Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Information Unemployment Insurance Filers and Employers Need to Know

The temporary unemployment benefit programs authorized under the CARES Act expired at midnight on September 4, 2021. These programs included Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC), and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC). These programs also expired for claimants that show a benefit balance on their claim.
Unemployment appeals are being processed as soon as possible. Claimants can contact the PUA call center at 1-800-603-9681 for any assistance regarding their appeal.
Regular Unemployment Filing
To file a regular unemployment insurance claim or for additional information, please visit http://ui.nv.gov/
Report Unemployment Fraud
To report unemployment fraud, please visit: https://detr.nv.gov/Page/Unemployment_Fraud
How do I participate in work search activities?
- A work search is a good faith effort to find work and claimants are expected to use reasonable methods and conduct work search activities normal to their occupation. DETR has a number of programs and partners to help claimants with this process that includes training for a new high demand career, adult education and literacy programs, virtual support at Nevada JobConnect and in person support through Nevadaworks in Northern Nevada, and Workforce Connections in Southern Nevada
- For more information on work search activities, watch this video.
- Review this document for resources on how to promote your business, get help with business mentoring, and many other resources for small businesses and gig workers.
- To meet the work search requirement, you will need to complete a mixture of activities, most days of the week. Think about doing something each day, Monday through Friday.
- Create or update a resume
- Create a profile on freelance or gig work websites
- Participate in business networking
- Learn how to expand your business by connecting with free mentoring programs
- Connect with Small Business Administration resources
- Promote and market your business to gain new clients
- Be sure to document your work search effort. You can download and print a work search log here.
- Documenting your work search includes printing confirmation emails, writing down the name, address, phone number and contact you spoke to when applying for a job. If you take a test for a potential job or participate in training, note those efforts as well.
- Visit https://nevadajobconnect.com/Page/Career_Centers to get answers to your work search questions or book an appointment with one of our workforce counselors
Important Information

For Employers
Employer Frequently Asked Questions, COVID 19, and other employer specific information
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Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)

This program provides unemployment insurance benefits support for otherwise ineligible workers, including self-employed. PUA is available retroactively from February 2, 2020 through December 26, 2020 and provides up to 39 weeks of benefits to qualifying individuals who do not qualify for regular unemployment insurance (UI), Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) or State Extended Benefits (SEB) but are otherwise able to work and available for work except they are unemployed, partially unemployed, or unable or unavailable to work due to a COVID-19 related reason. Benefits are payable for weeks you were previously out of work, even if you have since returned to work.
- This program began accepting claims on Saturday, May 16, 2020. Click here for updates and further details on how to file (add click box w/link to PUA page)
Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC)

This program provides an additional 13 weeks of regular unemployment insurance benefits for eligible claimants whose claims have been exhausted (i.e., all eligible unemployment insurance funds have been paid out).
- This program has been implemented effective May 10, 2020. Click here for further details on how to file (add click box w/link to PEUC page). PEUC page should be revamped to match the PUA page.
Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC)

This program provides an additional $600 to each week of regular unemployment insurance benefits or to the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program weekly insurance benefits (PUA) for otherwise ineligible workers (see next paragraph for further details). FPUC benefits to eligible claimants will be paid for the period starting the week ending April 4, 2020 thru the week ending July 25, 2020 for a total potential of 17 weeks, based on each claimants’ eligibility.
- This program has been implemented effective April 12, 2020. Click here for further details on how to file (add click box w/link to FPUC page). FPUC page should be revamped to match the PUA page.
Job Search Requirement

The work search requirement relaxed during the pandemic expires May 1, 2021. Claimants should be aware that the work search requirement is back in full force starting on May 2nd requiring all claimants to fulfill the job search requirements in order to keep receiving benefits.
Claimants will not be required to register for employment services in-person at Nevada JobConnect Offices or any other local employment offices within their area until these offices have reopened. Currently, claimants can log into EmployNV.gov and search for work. Anyone receiving unemployment benefits (regular UI or PUA) has an existing registration in EmployNV, so there is no need to create a new account. Once logged in, there are jobs to search through, labor market information, a resume builder and information about training opportunities.
Out of state claimants will also be required to register for employment services in their state until further notice. (NRS 612.375, NAC 612.170)
For more information about conducting work search in UI see here
For more information about conducting a work search in PUA see here
Reinstatement of Waiting Period

The 7-day waiting period (i.e., the waiting period of time between applying for and receiving unemployment insurance benefits) previously suspended is now active effective August 8, 2020. Claimants may see an increase in time before they receive payments after their initial application for benefits if filing a claim on or after August 8, 2020.
Deductible Income Issues

Claims with a Deductible Income issue will not be paid for a one-week period beginning the effective date of the claim. Issues will still be adjudicated and adjusted accordingly, including any FPUC payments that the claimant may be entitled to, and payments will be paid starting the second week of the claim, if all other eligibility requirements are met. This action affects deductible income issues including separation pay issues such as vacation pay, severance pay, wages in lieu and paid vacation. This action does not apply to pension pay issues as these issues do not fall within the separation pay category.
NV Relay 711 or 800-326-6868
TTY 775-687-5353
An equal opportunity employer/program.
Auxiliary aids and services available on request by individuals with disabilities

We are working hard to keep Nevadans safe from fraud.
Please review fraud information to avoid accidental fraud.
NV Relay 711 or 800-326-6868
An equal opportunity employer/program.
Auxiliary aids and services available on request by individuals with disabilities

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